Discovered 'Earth materials' in 18 other planetary systems

The new discovery provides more insights into the formation of planets and gives people more opportunities to find Earth-like worlds.

Using two of the most modern telescopes systems - the optical telescope - infrared Keck (located in Hawaii - USA) and the Hubble Space Telescope, the scientists analyzed the spectral data of the from 18 systems located 456 light-years from Earth.

Picture 1 of Discovered 'Earth materials' in 18 other planetary systems
White dwarf (distant object, white) attracts materials from planets orbiting it to disk - (NASA graphic image)

The study's lead author, scientist Siyi Xu (Gemini Observatory, Hawaii - USA), said they found many "Earth materials" on these white dwarfs, elements that could be found. on Earth and contribute to our planet.

This suggests that planets orbiting white dwarfs also possess Earth materials . The reason a star can carry these materials is that when it enters a cold phase, it will pull matter from planets, asteroids, comets, etc. that once existed around it to create, a disk of dust is like a dust disk around Saturn.

In these dust disks, the team discovered many familiar elements and substances: calcium, magnesium, silicon . and even water.

On closer inspection, they identified a lot of planets in these 18 systems that could own many countries, the same way our earth possesses vast oceans.

The team said they are continuing to better define the chemical composition of planets believed to contain the most Earth materials.

The research has just been presented in the Goldschmidt geochemistry conference held in Boston - USA and received many positive comments from astronomers - planetary science.

Sara Seager, a professor of planetary science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), who did not participate in the study, commented: "It is great to see solid evidence that the planets with the process of forming are like Earth is popular ". According to Professor Seager, the results boost scientists' belief that an Earth-like planet orbiting a certain star exists not far away and is waiting to be found.