Discover new planetary system formed in the universe

On December 14, studying photos from the Hubble Space Telescope, American and international astronomers discovered planetary systems forming in the universe, about 1,500 light-years from Earth.

On cosmic images taken by the Hubble telescope, astronomers describe these forming planetary systems as "cosmic jellyfish" and "cosmic stains".

Picture 1 of Discover new planetary system formed in the universe

Orion Nebula.Photo: ESA.

These planetary systems are in the Orion nebula and each object is considered a 'planetary disc'. The bizarre shape of the 'cosmic jellyfish' created by shock waves formed from molecular storms comes from the collision between the massive star next to the material of the pre-planet

The Orion Nebula is considered by astronomers to create new stars near Earth.

The Sun's Solar System is formed in the cloud of dust and gas, which is then developed into the present shape and matter.

The Hubble telescope's new discoveries help astronomers understand more about the process of making stars and planets./.