Astronomers are still unable to explain a mysterious bright area discovered by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope for the first time in 2006.

Observed from Earth, Cassiopeia A object, the remains of a star block exploded 330 million years ago, looking like a colorful ball.

Like ballet dancers dancing around an invisible leader, dozens of stars in the Milky Way are revolving around a supermassive black hole.

An image of the APEX telescope reveals how an ionized gas bubble causes surrounding materials to turn into dense blocks, thereby forming new stars.

The terrestrial and space telescope combined to capture a picture provides a new perspective on the region's history with a great deal of NGC 346.

The terrible explosion of Eta Carinae seems to be completely dominated by a weaker form than a conventional supernova without destroying the star.

ESO's Wide Field Imager has just captured a confusing picture of spiral galaxy Messier 83 - the galaxy looks a lot like our Milky Way but smaller.

Astronomers have discovered a special star-making machine - a distant galaxy that is spewing out stars at amazing speeds, about 1,000 to 4,000 stars every year.

The second largest star in the constellation Orion - Betelgeuse will likely turn into a second sun before 2012, making many people think of the prophecy of

Crows in London Tower have their own caretakers, raw meat and blood-soaked biscuits, like coins and will bite people who want to touch them.