National Geographic, America's famous science and discovery magazine, summed up ten environmental and scientific events in the world that many people might have missed in 2010.

Astronomical professor Stephen Hawking is one of the smartest minds on the planet, but by the age of 8 he could read and study deliberately at school.

Although people have not set foot on Mars, people are interested in farming solutions here. When the scope of human habitation can reach Mars, is the cultivation there as imagined

Can we find an alien civilization? Russian expert Alexander Uvarov made the comments.

In Huntsville, Alabana state, there is an unusual grave, instead of placing flowers like other graves, people here often put bananas ...

In an analysis of new language claims, Neil Armstrong dropped the word

They did what was supposed to be nearly impossible, but also caused many painful incidents. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of its founding, NASA looks back on its achievements

Fish can swim in the artificial gravity? Are bees creating bile in a non-gravity state? Is able to live in a space station? These questions prompted NASA to bring creatures into

Russians and Americans honor their first astronauts as heroes. But the real hero of the research is what is made of metal and silicon: unmanned explorer ship.

Two Danish inventors plan to launch missiles manufactured by themselves at the end of August.