The US space agency has launched Atlantis and seven astronauts to fix the Hubble telescope in space.

Hubble Space Telescope captures a stunning picture of an eye-like nebula on May 4.

The Atlantis ship's arm yesterday connected to the Hubble Space Telescope and the astronauts began a five-day repair work.

The Atlantis ship astronauts are carrying out five space walks to repair and upgrade Hubble glasses on a height of 610 km from the earth.

Astronauts have just completed the Hubble Space Telescope repair work and made it much more powerful and efficient than before.

Space shuttle Atlantis is currently flying in a chaotic space - where thousands of cosmic debris move very fast around the Earth at nearly 20,000 miles per hour (mph).

Photos taken with Hubble telescopes and NASA's Cassini probe not only contributed to scientific research but also artistic value.

On April 25, NASA's American Aeronautics and Space Administration made an official announcement on its website about the Atlantis launch date ...

The Hubble Space Telescope (NASA / ESA) recently captured the first optical images of a shocking stellar explosion, and discovered a rapid peanut-shaped balloon bulging in space. .

A new image processing technology could allow astronomers to discover extraterrestrial planets that might be lurking in the data of more than a decade of the Hubble Space