Discovered 'flying rock' in China

While going hiking, a Chinese family accidentally took a picture of a strange object that looked like a flying rock.

Mr. Gang Hao said the photos were taken at 4:34 pm on July 19, 2009 in Coshan, Hebei Province, China. Mr. Gang is completely unaware of the appearance of strange flying objects until 2 days later, when he arranges the photos on the computer. Mr. Gang was shocked when he enlarged the picture.

Mr. Gang uses the Canon SX 110IS camera. The photos do not go through any modifications. Trees and mountains account for two-thirds of the image, the sky only accounts for one third of the rest and the flying object appears with the shape of a rock. Analysis of the images displayed in the sky showed clouds about 1,300 meters above the ground, short and intermittent clouds - just like observations recorded by the Weather Forecasting Agency. Estimate strange objects about 5 meters in diameter.

After discovering the flying rock, Gang brought his questions to ask some colleagues and friends: Is this a flying saucer or a normal rock floating in the air? However, no one has the answer.

Recently, Gang Hao decided to share the pictures with reporters with the desire to find "flying" objects flying.

Picture 1 of Discovered 'flying rock' in China

Picture 2 of Discovered 'flying rock' in China

Picture 3 of Discovered 'flying rock' in China