Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest

The World Nature Fund said there were at least 441 animal and plant species discovered in remote areas of the Amazon forest.

The researchers searched the area from 2010 to 2013 and found 258 species of plants, 84 species of fish, 22 species of reptiles, 18 species of birds and a new species of mammal, a new species of monkey. Many of them are believed to be special species of this tropical forest and cannot be found anywhere else.

Below are pictures of some species:

Picture 1 of Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest
Lizard Cercosaura hypnoides - Colombia

Picture 2 of Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest
Orchids Sobralia imavieirae - Brazil

Picture 3 of Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest
Fish Tometes camunani - Brazil, a new Piranha fish

Picture 4 of Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest
Frog Allobates amissibilis - Guyana, this species is in danger of extinction

Picture 5 of Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest
Snake Chironius challenger - Guyana and Venezuela

Picture 6 of Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest
Fish Dicrossus warzeli - Brazil

Picture 7 of Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest
Lizard Gonatodes timidus - Guyana

Picture 8 of Discovered many new plant-winter in the Amazon forest
Passiflora flower longifilamentosa - Brazil