Discovered 'super-Saturn' outside the Solar System

Astronomers announced that they have discovered a giant belt system surrounding a brown / foreign dwarf planet located more than 430 light years from Earth.

This discovery marks the first time a belt system is seen outside the Solar System.

Picture 1 of Discovered 'super-Saturn' outside the Solar System
Scientists say J1407b has 200 times the belt system of Saturn's belt system, including a total of more than 30 belts - (Photo:

According to RT on January 28, the latest analysis shows that the system has more than 30 rings, each with tens of millions of kilometers in diameter.

Scientists also discovered gaps in these rings, suggesting that there may be many moon moons (exomoon - the moon of an alien planet).

"The giant belt surrounding the brown / extraterrestrial dwarf star J1407b is much larger than Jupiter or Saturn, and its perimeter is 200 times larger than Saturn's belt , " Eric Mamajek - teacher astrophysicist at Rochester University said.

Mr. Eric Mamajek added that we can see it as a "super-Saturn". Saturn is the planet with the largest belt system in the solar system.

If you could replace Saturn's rings with the belt of J1407b, Saturn could be easily seen at night.

Currently scientists are continuing to study J1407b with its strange belt system.