Discovered the species of Y-shaped lemur

It has the same body size as a squirrel, of Phaner - the lemur genus currently has only 4 species with the common feature is that the upper part of the body has a black stripe in Y shape. The total number of Phaner lemur members increased to 5.

New lemurs live at night, the body has large limbs that cling to trees when climbing, in addition it has a long tongue to take and eat nectar. It was discovered in Daraina - a protected dry forest in northeast Madagascar.

Picture 1 of Discovered the species of Y-shaped lemur
The newly discovered lemur has a unique Y-shaped striped fur set. (Photo: Discovery).

For the first time - according to Dr. Russell Mittermeier, primates animal researcher and chairman of the International Conservation Organization (CI) and colleagues - they saw this new lemur species in the year. 1995 in an expedition in the forest above.

It was not until October 2010 that the Mittermeier expedition led the team, along with geneticist Ed Louis at Omaha Zoo, Nebraska State, USA and filmmakers about the natural history of the BBC (UK). Go back to the survey, looking for traces of the aforementioned lemur.

The effort they put in was finally rewarded. They rediscovered it, collecting this specimen by shooting anesthesia. Later, they conducted DNA analysis, determined to be a new species of lemur.

' We have a remarkable discovery from the island of Madagascar - which has the highest biodiversity in the world and is also one of the most surprising places on the planet, ' said Mittermeier.

According to the International Conservation Organization (CI), over the past decade there have been 63 newly discovered primates in the world, including 42 new lemur species that are miraculously found only in Madagascar. - where is seriously threatened by deforestation, statistics show that the rich forests of this island nation were mostly destroyed (about 90% loss).

Scientists say it is necessary to classify new lemur species at critical or critically endangered levels in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List because it only lives within the limits of Daraina forest.