Discovering the principle of regenerating the body of salamanders

Most animals in the natural world to some extent are able to regenerate. Human fingernails and legs can grow, the wound can also heal.

A new study by scientists from Hannover Hospital (Germany) found that salamanders have great regeneration ability, no species can match. Their limbs and organs after being broken can be regenerated.

Picture 1 of Discovering the principle of regenerating the body of salamanders
Ambystoma mexicanu salamanders. (Internet photo)

Scientists after conducting many experiments on the Ambystoma mexicanum salamanders discovered the principle of recovering their four limbs and their damaged organs.

Specifically, after a leg of Ambystoma mexicanu salamanders is broken, blood vessels in the body quickly recapture and stop bleeding, skin cells quickly cover the wound and form blastema cells.

Scientists say blastema cells are a type of multifunctional stem cells, often present in newly formed embryos, capable of developing into an arbitrary cell type in the human body like muscle cells. , neurons, skin cells and blood cells.

Blastema cells can help heal damaged organs under the skin and develop into organelles such as blood vessels, muscles, tendons, bones and nerves.

According to scientists, if the miraculous regeneration ability of salamanders can be applied to humans, this will bring great happiness to many disabled people.

However, scientists also admit it takes a very long time to apply this result to the regeneration of human limbs and organs.