Dissecting 'stealth helicopters' in the killing of Bin Laden

The kind of helicopters that the US forces deployed to raid Osama bin Laden's 'fortress' were considered by the analysts as 'stealth helicopters' because they had completely surprised the terrorist and avoided the radar. watch of Pakistan.

According to experts, the US task force used a stealth helicopter that had never been seen before. And experts say this is an upgraded helicopter from the UH-60 Blackhawk.

Compare the 'stealthy' crashing helicopter at Bin Laden's campus during the US raid and the UH-60 Blackhawk.

Picture 1 of Dissecting 'stealth helicopters' in the killing of Bin Laden

1. There is silver paint on the outside, making it difficult to detect radar or infrared sensors.

2. The tail section shape has been changed and can be expanded to avoid radar.

3. Has a rear rotor cover (rear rotor), covering the protruding part of the machine. It is this protrusion that is easily detected by radar.

4. There are additional wings on the tail rotor to reduce grace, especially the characteristic sound of helicopters.

The rest of the aircraft: It is also suspected that the main rotor may have additional wings, a movable landing gear, retract and a cover on the main rotor head.

Picture 2 of Dissecting 'stealth helicopters' in the killing of Bin Laden
Pakistani children collect the fragments of the helicopter at the Bin Laden house hiding.

The evidence is taken from the image of one of the SEAL task force helicopters crashed into Bin Laden's compound. At the end of the mission to destroy the terrorist, SEAL destroyed it with explosives.

However, the tail of this top-secret aircraft is still left, providing valuable information for aviation experts.

After studying, the experts concluded that this was an improved UH-60 Blackhawk that was quieter, made less noise and made it harder for radar to detect.

This is the first time the public has known a stealth helicopter is used. But a series of stealth helicopter models called the RAH-66 Comanche were developed for the US military. The program was canceled in 2004, due to high costs.

Picture 3 of Dissecting 'stealth helicopters' in the killing of Bin Laden
The RAH-66 Comanche is also developed stealth technology.

According to Tony Osborne's analysis, deputy editor of the Rotary helicopter magazine in the UK, to have an 'invisible' helicopter, it must have some special shape. Osborne thought that the rear end of the American helicopter used in the Bin Laden incident was completely smooth and seemed to be coated with pearls, silver in some types of light and black in some types. another light.

' I just saw it on stealth aircraft and it seems it absorbs radar waves. Even the rivets are coated with this layer '.

'The tail shows the retractable landing gear, to avoid detection by radar' .

In addition, ' it seems that the tail rotor has 5-6 wings. This means the rotor can spin more slowly, reducing noise. '

Song Osborne said that helicopters could avoid radar without stealth technology . Because most of Pakistan's radar is on the ground, so low-flying aircraft are difficult to detect.

An unnamed Pakistani intelligence official revealed that helicopters deployed by the US during the killing of Bin Laden were not detected by radar and that they were only seen when entering Pakistan from Afghanistan. He said there are 4 all, and they fly very low.

There is a suspicion that in addition to a stealth helicopter, there is another similar vehicle deployed. These two are escorted by two larger helicopters, Chinook .