Does 'cause and effect' exist? Why does science also believe that cause and effect are real?

Nearly everyone has questioned the concept of 'cause and effect', although with varying degrees of confidence. According to modern scientists and psychologists, 'cause and effect' exists.

There are many definitions and beliefs about 'cause and effect ' in countries around the world. In the treasure trove of idioms and proverbs from ancient times in our country, there are also many sayings that refer to this, such as 'good will reap good', 'evil will be rewarded with evil', 'reap what you sow'.

Basically, the concept of 'cause and effect' encourages people to act well, with good intentions . However, there are also people who believe that this concept only lies in each person's belief and is not real, because there are no rules in science about cause and effect. At most, there is only a relationship between specific actions and results, for example, if you plant a mango seed, it will grow into a mango tree, not an orange tree. In particular, when we see good people facing difficulties or vice versa, bad people living comfortably, it is easier for people to think that 'cause and effect' does not exist.

Picture 1 of Does 'cause and effect' exist? Why does science also believe that cause and effect are real?
Beliefs in the East and West both talk about "reap what you sow". (Illustration photo: Freepik).

However, according to WebMD - an American medical information site considered one of the most reliable scientific sources in the world, 'cause and effect' is real, based on conventional analysis of lifestyle.

For example, when a person does good deeds for others, that action will make them feel happy and leave a deep impression and impact. Frequently doing good deeds makes that person have a positive mentality, a kind personality and that is why they are also more likely to receive help when they need it.

On the contrary, when a person acts with malice and harms others, even if they do not believe in cause and effect, they will easily have bad, unhappy emotions. Such negative moods and emotions alone can make their lives gloomy and more likely to get into trouble.

According to the article scientifically reviewed by Doctor of Medicine Poonam Sachdev in the US, the above analysis is completely reasonable in terms of psychology. So 'cause and effect' is not necessarily a supernatural reward or punishment, but is related to human thoughts, intentions, and actions.

So, of course, not 100% of things have a clear cause and effect , and there are random, random things that still happen in life. But according to psychological analysis, people who believe in cause and effect are often happier and have better relationships, simply because in general, they often choose to do good things for others and themselves.