Vampires cannot exist

An American researcher has relied on some math to prove that vampire existence is completely fabricated. This proves that creatures that have haunted humans for a long time cannot be real.

Picture 1 of Vampires cannot exist (Photo: Costas Efthimiou, a professor of physics at Central Florida University, has dismissed non-scientific ideas such as vampires, or revived zombies, to enhance people's understanding. Not only people believe in these ghost stories, but the number of superstitious people is at an alarming level, Efthimiou said.

Legend has it that vampires suck human blood and once bitten, the victim turns into a vampire and continues to suck blood from others.

And Efthimiou explained logically as follows: On 1 January 1600, the world population was 536,870,911 people. If the first vampire appears on that day and bites a person for a month, there will be 2 vampires on 1/2/1600. The next month, there will be 4 vampires, continue like that. In only 2 and a half years the world population will initially be full of vampires and no one will be left to suck blood.

If the death rate is taken into account, the population will disappear faster. Even an incredible speed of reproduction could not reverse this result.

"After all, humans will not be able to survive in such conditions, even if the world population doubles every month. And doubling is clearly beyond human fertility." Efthimiou said.

So even if you're worried about anything on the upcoming October 31 Halloween festival, you won't be turned into a vampire.