Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

By using duct tape, a Ukrainian-American artist was able to turn them into beautiful paintings.

>>>Draw beautiful pictures from scribbles

Mark Khaisman, 56, a Ukrainian-American artist who now lives in Philadelphia, used brown sticky tape to glue them onto illuminated transparent glass panels. The result is beautiful pictures whose main features are sticky tape.

Khaisman's 'drawing' style seems simple. He used glass panels placed on lights, like the light panels used by architects, then Khaisman used tape to start gluing on the glass. In the bright spots, Khaisman uses less layers of tape, while in dark spots, Khaisman uses stacked tape to form many layers.

Picture 1 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Mark Khaisman said he often inspired Hollywood scenes to paint his paintings. Especially with the use of brown tape, Khaisman's works look like frames in ancient scenes.

Khaisman graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute in 1983. He used to do stained glass windows before discovering that brown and glass tape could create works of art.

One special thing is that Mark Khaisman does not need to sketch the image before, but just stick the tape on the mirror to his imagination.

Many of Khaisman's works are very popular and sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

A few beautiful paintings with Mark Khaisman's tape:

Picture 2 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Picture 3 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Picture 4 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Picture 5 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Picture 6 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Picture 7 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Picture 8 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Picture 9 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape

Picture 10 of Draw beautiful pictures with sticky tape