'Eat corpses' insects make you nape your hair

These scorpion flies, rat-tail maggots . have a strange hobby - "clean up" the corpse.

The animal world always contains many mysterious things. We have known meat-eating, grass-eating, and even eating . waste to live but perhaps the latest discovery by scientists about the following dead-eating creatures will make not many people scary hair.

However, with the forensic examination industry, this finding is extremely important and meaningful. Because cadavers can rely on the number and species of insects that fly around the corpse to determine the time of death and the crime scene - especially in the case of dead bodies. being moved to another place by the killer.

The list of creatures below will surprise you a lot:

1. "Legend" fly

Italian scientists have discovered the dead-eating fly has the scientific name Thyreophora cynophila (bone skipper) in the Spanish region. Through research, experts found that the fly was thought to have disappeared 160 million years ago but reappeared in 2013, so they called this fly the "legendary" fly.

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Thyreophora cynophila is about 10cm long, possesses a bright orange head, can and metal legs blue, wings with a little dark spots. Their favorite food is the corpses of humans and animals.

With a quick-sensing odor sensor, "legendary" flies can detect "prey" even when buried under snow. Normally, they will come to lay eggs on the body and wait for the larvae to grow. These larvae will quickly clone and grow, residing abundantly in the abdomen of the corpse.

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For forensic examiners, finding the secretions and traces of this creature on the body will be an important link for them to set a timetable to determine when the victim died.

2. Grasshoppers and wood lice

Many people believe that grasshoppers and lumber are "vegetarian" creatures, but the truth is that they are also present in decaying corpses. This conclusion was made after American scientists conducted an analysis of the biodegradation of the corpse.

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Short grasshoppers are light brown in color, have green ones with long bodies only about 5cm

Jennifer Pechal, a scientist at Texas Center for Forensic Anthropology and colleagues, observed an abnormal phenomenon, a scientific name grasshopper Pediodectes haldemani (also known as short grasshopper) and louse wood scientific name Armadillidium cf. Vulgare (also known as beetle) is feeding on the remains of a man's corpse.

This white man weighs about 153kg, found in the middle of the field in May 2012. The short grasshopper found in the corpse of the corpse is a pregnant female.

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The wooden louse Armadillidium cf.vulgare

According to experts, it is likely that for that reason locusts must find a source of abundant protein. Oddly enough, people have never seen these two animals eat dead bodies before (although wooden lice have been found in the dead bodies of mice).

Experts still try to find the cause of this small creature is interested in corpses.

3. Flies fake bees

In a year-long investigation at the Southeast Texas Institute of Forensic Science Applications, a research team led by Natalie Lindgren of Sam Houston University observed four cases of little autopsy insects being recorded. received in history.

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Experts have found the rat-tail maggot and the fake fly bee Eristalis arbustorum - in a corpse of a 76-year-old man buried 60cm below the surface of the stream.

This is the first time that the bees' larvae have been found in human bodies. According to the description, this fly looks like a bee, pale yellow, fringed in the body but the head is of flies.

The fly's fly type almost stood still, then rushed to a very short distance and then slowed down as if to determine the exact location of the prey.

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Image of maggots tail rat

The researchers also said the rat-tail maggots are considered the most exotic maggots today. They can live long in polluted environments and especially like corpses. The body of the rat-tail maggot has a long tube floating on the water that allows them to breathe smoothly while "enjoying" the underwater meal.

4. Scorpion fly

Scientists have also seen the scorpion fly (Panorpa nuptialis) sucking liquid on the corpse of a 77-year-old male. This scorpion fly lives mainly in Western Europe and often eats dead corpses, nectar and rotting fruit.

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Not only were they first found eating corpses, they were also the first "uninvited" guests present, in about 20 minutes. According to the description, the species is called scorpion fly because the male has a large genitals that look like the stinger of a scorpion. Therefore, they are called scorpion flies.

5. Carnivorous beetles

Meat-eating beetles (dermestid) are a species of bug, belonging to a hard wing, ranging in size from 1 - 12mm, black-brown. They proliferate the thickest in the spring and early summer.

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The beetle produces about 50 eggs within 3 weeks throughout their life cycle, then dies. After 6 - 11 days in favorable temperature conditions, eggs begin to hatch into larvae.

The larvae are very afraid of too bright places and often hide in the dark. The newly hatched larvae are small in size, but can especially be stretched into cigar-shaped bodies. After hatching, they begin to search for their favorite food - the corpse.

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According to experts, this carnivorous beetle is extremely useful in cleaning up animal skeletons or "superfluous" - which is highly effective in research and investigation.