Every year, Australia destroys 2 million of these creatures but remains helpless against their development

This is an organism that is harmful to humans and has an extremely strong growth.

If you talk about the most characteristic creature in Australia, you will probably think of the Kangaroo. Kangaroos are extremely well adapted to the dry, deserted Australian environment, so Kangaroos are distributed throughout this country.

It can be explained that kangaroos need less water to survive than other animals. Specifically, a kangaroo only needs 1.5 liters of water per day while a sheep needs 11 liters or a cow needs up to 80 liters per day.

Picture 1 of Every year, Australia destroys 2 million of these creatures but remains helpless against their development
Dozens of kangaroos were slaughtered (Photo: Noam Foam)

But it is also for this reason that Kangaroo becomes one of the animals that cause ecological imbalance when the number grows strongly , because they destroy crops and cause property damage. Therefore, humans have begun to "harvest" Kangaroo for food.

Kangaroo meat is high in protein and low in fat (with about 2%), rich in minerals and vitamins, and has a high content of conjugated linoleic acid compared to other foods, so it is very valuable. It is estimated that the price of a kangaroo is equivalent to the price of a goat.

Not only that, the number of kangaroos is more than any other livestock species with about 40 million heads, while the number of goats is only 3 million heads, sheep are 37 million heads and cows are 7.5 million heads. On the other hand, one does not need to spend money to raise a Kangaroo like other animals.

Picture 2 of Every year, Australia destroys 2 million of these creatures but remains helpless against their development
Results after 1 night of hunting (Image: Pinterest)

In Australia, hunting wild kangaroos for meat has been legalized through the Kangaroo Harvest Program (KHP) . Subjects hunted are Eastern gray kangaroos (Scientific name: Macropus giganteus) and Western gray kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus).

The hunters are mainly nocturnal because Kangaroos have poor night vision, so it is easy to aim . Every year Australians hunt up to 2 million adult kangaroos.

But this is nothing compared to their growth rate (2 years to 5 million children). Hunting for meat only reduces the number of kangaroos by 10 to 20% because the law limits the number that can be hunted each season.