Evidence shows that people can suck energy together

If you feel tired after hugging your girlfriend then maybe she has sucked energy from your body! That is part of the conclusion from research conducted by German scientists because they found that energy in the human body can also be "absorbed" by others , thereby contributing to explaining how People can change different emotional states, and at the same time uncover an approach that helps scientists explain the ancient occult phenomena now.

In the study, scientists at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, found that plants can absorb energy from other plants. In more detail, the research leader, biology professor Olaf Kruse, surveyed the energy behavior of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae . The measurement results show that in addition to energy generated from self-assembly, this organism also uses an "extra" energy source from other individuals. In other words, they exchanged energy for each other.

Picture 1 of Evidence shows that people can suck energy together
This energy exchange is extremely important for humanity in general.

In fact, the science department specializes in the study of energy behaviors in living organisms called bioenergetics. According to Dr. Olivia Bader-Lee, the developer added this research result that the human body is like a sponge and it can absorb energy around."This is why there are people who feel uncomfortable being close to a certain group of people who are full of mix of energy and emotions."

She explains in more detail: "The human body is very similar to a smoking plant, absorbing the energy needed to provide emotional states and energize the cells, increasing the amount of cortisol and catabolize. This amount of energy is much less dependent on the emotional state required. " This is one of the reasons why people can change their moods, when they are worried, stressed, angry and bored, and sometimes happy and optimistic about life. .

Dr. Bader-Lee said that humans have lost important connections with nature over the centuries. At the same time, she believes that this energy exchange is extremely important to humanity in general. And in fact, the spiritual view of energy is an argument in explaining paranormal phenomena by different energy states.

Although ancient civilizations were quite interested in this aspect, modern science somehow ignored it. This time, German scientists' research once again sought to understand this problem and, as a result, a wave of debate broke out in the scientific world. They hope more research will be done to find more effective evidence to explain this issue.