The man uses extrasensory energy to suck objects

The psychic Miroslaw Magola claims to have used telepathic ability to create energy that draws objects like X-men mutants.

Dubbed the Real Magnet Superman, Mr. Miroslaw Magola, 55, is known for his ability to draw objects made of metal like X-men in Hollywood movies.

Picture 1 of The man uses extrasensory energy to suck objects

Picture 2 of The man uses extrasensory energy to suck objects
Mr. Magola has the ability to suck objects like a magnet

Picture 3 of The man uses extrasensory energy to suck objects
He discovered this possibility around the 1990s

Mr. Magola is a German psychic who specializes in the study of hidden human psychic abilities. He claims he can use his extraordinary telepathic ability to mount objects with his body without using glue, tape or any tips.

The psychic said he began to discover his special ability in the early 1990s. Since then, Mr. Magola began to specialize in the study and testing of magnetic phenomena in humans.

The metaphysical expert, Professor Ellie Crystal, explains that the use of metaphysics is structured to be cognitive rather than physical. The energy used to move objects is the energy created by the thought created by the subconscious.