Exploring the 'Black Box of the Earth' project: A device that records the process of human extinction

Earth's Black Box is a project starting in 2022 in collaboration with the University of Tasmania, marketing agency Clemenger BBDO and creative agency Glue Society.

Despite many advances in technology, humans still seem to be worried about the impending danger of extinction.

The sixth mass extinction has begun and appears to be accelerating due to a variety of human causes. A plethora of academic papers present hard facts about how things are going and how they will end. Scientists are so certain of it that they have begun building a Black Box to record our own extinction should someone or something come and visit this doomed planet in the future. The Black Box concept comes from the data storage boxes on airplanes that use 'indestructible' technology to record everything that happens on and with the plane - a special tool that can help investigators determine the cause of an accident. The product, produced by marketing agency Clemenger BBDO, will be called 'The Black Box of the Earth' .

The 'Black Box of the Earth' is a giant steel structure located on the remote island of Tasmania. It will witness and record the end of the Earth under the impact of climate change. To accomplish this seemingly impossible task, the Black Box is equipped with multiple hard drives, each of which will record and preserve real-time scientific updates and analyses on the world's most pressing issues including climate change, extinction, environmental pollution and health impacts. This data will be recorded in a monolithic structure.

Picture 1 of Exploring the 'Black Box of the Earth' project: A device that records the process of human extinction
Earth's black box operates on solar energy - (Photo: Internet).

People say that a mass extinction is impossible, but scientists think the opposite. The most important thing in history is the traces our ancestors left behind. If tomorrow were the last day of the human race, wouldn't it be a good idea to leave traces of our existence?

The people behind the Black Box project are not sure if any experts will be able to analyze our extinction. But at least compared to previous ancient civilizations, we will have something other than the ruins of cities and statues. The Black Box is designed to be virtually indestructible by any kind of disaster that will happen to Earth, such as nuclear war or natural disasters. In this 10m×4m×3m structure, the monolith will be used to record hundreds of different data sets from modern human civilization to analyze the overall health of our planet.

Picture 2 of Exploring the 'Black Box of the Earth' project: A device that records the process of human extinction
The black box will continuously collect and safely store hundreds of data sets, measurements and interactions related to the state of the planet for future generations - (Photo: Internet).

The Black Box Project is attempting to document the events that will ultimately lead to the demise of humanity and perhaps the planet. Some have criticized the project for using its resources to document our demise instead of trying to solve the problems that will eventually lead to the end of the planet. As experts have noted, science may be much further along than it is now, but without the support of everyone on the planet, it will be difficult to make a difference or change.

Some have said that this may simply be a PR stunt to try to warn of the impending dangers of climate change, in the hope that people will take action by changing their lifestyle habits.

The truth is, however, that we should not expect any scientific breakthrough, at least in the near future, to reverse global warming. The creatures that inhabit this planet depend on positive changes made by humans now, to prolong life on Earth in the future.