Extraterrestrial Proxima b can exist in oceans like Earth

Scientists at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) on October 6 confirmed Proxima b, an alien-like planet discovered last August, could survive the oceans. on the surface, open the hope of finding places in the solar system suitable for life.

After calculating the size and properties of the planetary surface of Proxima b, CNRS astrophysicists conclude that this could be an "ocean planet" similar to Earth, and would be extrasolar. First to explore with future robots.

Proxima b orbits in an "temperate zone" from the host star Proxima Centauri closest to the solar system, only four light years from Earth. The planet is about 1.3 Earth in size, orbiting about 7.5 million km from the host star - about a tenth of the distance of Mercury - the planet is closest to the Solar System.

Picture 1 of Extraterrestrial Proxima b can exist in oceans like Earth
Proxima b may be an "ocean planet" similar to Earth.

However, according to CNRS, such a close distance does not mean that the surface of Proxima b is too hot for water to exist in liquid form. The scientists explained that the master star Proxima Centauri is 1,000 times smaller and weaker than the Sun, which means Proxima b is perfectly located to survive on surface water and life forms.

The size of the outer planets is usually calculated by measuring the amount of light they cover from the Earth, as they pass through the host star. However, scientists were unable to observe the journey of Proxima b, so the group had to rely on simulations to estimate the structure and radius of the planet.

Specifically, scientists calculated Proxima b's radius to be about 0.94-1.4 times more than Earth, which is an average of 6,371km. In the case of Proxima b's minimum radius of 5,990km, the planet could be very heavy, with the metal core accounting for two-thirds of the planet's mass, and covered by a rocky surface.

Picture 2 of Extraterrestrial Proxima b can exist in oceans like Earth
Proxima b can be covered by a single ocean of 200km depth.

Assuming Proxima b is larger in size, with a radius of about 8,920km, the planet's mass may consist of 50% of the rock core and 50% of the water. In this case, Proxima b may be covered by a single ocean of 200km depth.

According to CNRS, although the planet is about the size of it, it is covered with a gas-filled atmosphere similar to Earth.