The mystery of Proxima b's numbers:

"Second Earth" - Proxima b is like another planet orbiting a star called Proxima Centauri or Near- planet - located near the most solar system about 4.2 light-years away - determined by astronomers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO ).

The newly discovered planet is temporarily called Proxima b , located in the habitable area of Proxima Centauri and is thought to have a suitable surface temperature so that water can survive in liquid form. This means that this " planet " - like the Earth outside the solar system, is capable of survival.

Picture 1 of The mystery of Proxima b's numbers:
A photo was taken from the La Silla Observatory of the Observatory in the European Hemisphere in Chile.The bottom right image is Proxima Centauri - the star closest to the Solar System, surrounded by Proxima b, and the left one is called Alpha Centauri A and B.

Evidence of Proxima b was found using the ESO telescope at La Silla Observatory in Chile as well as other telescopes around the world. Here are the " mysterious " "planet" numbers recently discovered:

4.85 billion : Age of Proxima Centauri. Like evidence, the Sun 4.6 billion years old - has been found.

7,000,000: The distance Proxima b rotates around the Proxima Centauri star is measured in kilometers ( kilometers ). Although the distance of Proxima b orbits is much closer to the Earth's distance around the Sun, Proxima Centauri - is a red dwarf, meaning it is smaller and cooler than the Sun. However, there is still the possibility that Proxima b is affected by any shining star from Proxima Centauri.

4.37 light years : Distance from the Sun to the binary Alpha Centauri star system. Alpha Centauri A itself is the brightest fourth star in the sky.

4.22 light years : Distance from the sun of the Earth to Proxima Centauri. Subtly located in the constellation Centaurus, including Alpha Centauri star systems. Just over 4 light-years away from Earth, Near-Earth is the closest star to our Sun.

165,000: Approximate years for it to reach the binary Alpha Centauri star system by shuttle. Because the distance from Earth to the Alpha Centaur system is about 4.33 light years, it is closer to move to Proxima.

3,200: Approximate number of other planets that scientists have discovered since 1992, when the first planet outside the solar system was discovered. NASA's Kepler Space Telescope plays an important role in finding these inventions.

Picture 2 of The mystery of Proxima b's numbers:
Just over 4 light-years away from Earth, Near-Earth is the closest star to our Sun.

86 : The F ( Fahrenheit ) temperature of the Proxima b surface is achieved if researchers can determine whether there is any air there. According to news from the press conference held on August 23, if a planet lacks air, the surface temperature may be as low as 40 degrees Celsius ( minus 40 degrees F ). Conversely, if the planet has an insulating atmosphere, the temperature will reach 30 degrees C ( 80 degrees F ), warm enough to hold liquid water on the surface.

11.2 : The number of days Proxima b reaches Earth to complete a single orbit around the Proxima Centauri star.

3: Number of stars in Alpha Centauri system. In addition to Proxima Centauri, there are Alpha Centauri A and B forming a pair of binary stars.

1.3 : Weight of the planet " strange " Proxima b compared to Earth. This newly discovered planet is very similar in size to Earth, only slightly larger.

0.24 light years : Distance from Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B to Subtle. With this distance, some astronomers have asked, " Will Proxima Centauri be considered part of the same star system?"