Pi numbers and art

Who learns math also knows how to calculate the circle, it is related to the number Pi with the value of 3.14159 . Now, the first time Pi numbers are transformed into art works.

Picture 1 of Pi numbers and art
Photo: thecreatorsproject.vice.com

Picture 2 of Pi numbers and art
Photo: badnima.com

Two designers Cristian Ilies Vasile and Martin Krzywinski have created stunning images displaying Pi numbers, circumference circles with its diameter in artistic colors.

The first is from the idea of ​​Cristian Ilies Vasile wants to connect each digit of Pi to the position of the corresponding quantity segments, creating a beautiful image similar to the popular Spirograph toy in the 1970s. Martin Krzywinski In addition to the image, Vasile devised a way to display the conversion probabilities for each digit on the decimal system, to create a series of images using 1,000 - 2,000 digits of Pi for their data.

The Daily Mai newspaper quoted Krzywinski as saying, "Art based on numbers will produce beautiful, random artwork. Krzywinski will sell prints of these paintings through his website. He also created a series of images that showed 'bubbles' outside the main image to show where special sequences occurred. These bubbles help count the number of links quickly, especially the area where pairs of digits appear regularly. For example, there is a big bubble on segment 9 due to sequence 999999 at decimal 762.