Findings of dinosaurs change the world

Many dinosaur fossil skeletons contribute to changing the perception of animal scientists who once ruled the world.

Picture 1 of Findings of dinosaurs change the world
Megalosaurus.(Photo: Fact Inside).

According to IIFL Science, Megalosaurus bucklandi or the large reptile of Buckland are the first dinosaurs to be scientifically detected and described. This flawed fossil was found in the quarries of the village in Stonefield, Oxfordshire, England in 1815. Currently, the bones, teeth and jaws of animals are displayed at the Oxford University Museum. Anatomist Georges Cuvier visited Oxford to study these fossils.

With the help of Cuvier, William Buckland described this fossil in a scientific article published in 1824. Both Buckland and Cuvier deduced that bones belonged to a giant, unprecedented reptile. now on. More than a decade later, larger bone samples were discovered in the UK. British surgeon Richard Owen conducts research and concludes that this reptile is completely different from known human species. They need to be classified as a completely new group for giant fossil reptiles named Dinosauria . Before 1842, humans never knew dinosaurs and Megalosaurus was the first.

Picture 2 of Findings of dinosaurs change the world
Archeopteryx.(Photo: John Sibbick).

When Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species in 1859, he shocked the world and inspired scientists' interest in the evolution of animals. The book provides many examples to conclude that organic life has changed or evolved over time.

A year after the book was born, researchers found fossilized fossil skeletons of a large crow-like animal in the southern German quarry. Richard Owen named this animal Archeopteryx lithographica.

This fossil is very strange because it can see feathers around the bone (that is, it belongs to a bird), but it has a very clear tooth mark (toothless bird), and its front limbs with three fingers ( The bird does not have claws like this), the tail section with a small bone-burning sequence and the tail feathers spread out like a fanless (long-tailless bird).

Animals are the "missing link" between today's feather birds with scaly reptiles , teeth that grow around jaws, claws and long tails. A few years later, Darwin's friend and colleague Thomas Henry Huxley announced the discovery. Based on the structure of Archeopteryx, he concluded that birds and dinosaurs have a surname together.

At the time, many people disagreed with Huxley, but later scientific findings helped confirm his conclusions. Currently, fossils are stored at the Museum of Natural History in London England.

Picture 3 of Findings of dinosaurs change the world
Diplodocus.(Photo: Wild Republic).

Andrew Carnegie, an extremely wealthy tycoon in the second half of the 19th century, established a museum bearing his name in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. He financed the expedition to search for dinosaur bones in the area of ​​northern Wyoming and southern Utah to return to the museum. As a result, they found the most complete dinosaur skeleton ever.

The skeleton was named Diplodocus carnegiei . After being restored, the complete animal is over 25m long and has a short shape.

Carnegie is very proud of this discovery. He created many copies of the skeleton and sent it to other museums in the world.

Picture 4 of Findings of dinosaurs change the world
Deinonychus.(Photo: Dinopedia).

In the mid-1960s, archaeologist John Ostrom of Yale University, USA, had a discovery that made humans change their minds about dinosaurs, their biology and behavior. Ostrom found the remains of a medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur in Montana. He named it Deinonychus antirropus .

Ostrom realized this animal moved very fast, extremely intelligent and patiently hunted. Previously, it was thought that dinosaurs were slow, sluggish and slow to react. Based on anatomy, he also proved that they are quite similar to birds, so it is possible that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

Picture 5 of Findings of dinosaurs change the world
Scelidosaurus.(Photo: kidsdinos).

In 1858, dinosaur bones were discovered on the cliff dating back to the Jurassic period in Charmouth, England. Later, a nearly complete skeleton of dinosaurs was excavated and given to Richard Owen at the British Museum in London.

Owen named the animal Scelidosaurus harrisonii. However, he did not understand the importance of surgery on this specimen, or that it could help show the difference between dinosaur groups.

Picture 6 of Findings of dinosaurs change the world
Sinosauropteryx.(Photo: Julius T.Csotonyi).

In 1996, scientists found dinosaur fossils in Liaoning, China. They belong to a smaller, smaller carnivorous dinosaur but have many similarities to Deinonychus.

In 1998, the animal was briefly described and named Sinosauropteryx prima . The most special thing about the fossil is the thing that appears on the fossilized stone: dark faint marks such as the trailing back, black spots on the eyes, black mass in the intestinal cavity. It seems that some of this dinosaur's body tissue is preserved in rocks in Liaoning.

The trailing mark behind the fur-like dinosaur. The outer epidermis may be an insulating layer. Based on Ostrom's research on Deinonychus, scientists concluded that dinosaurs have the ability to keep the body warm.