Research shows that when dinosaurs appear, the average shape of mammals is very small, just like a rabbit.

Henry, considered one of the last living fossils of prehistoric reptile animals, will become a father in the next few months after 40 years of inability to mate because of a tumor.

According to scientists, there are a number of natural hazards that are affecting the lives of a wide range of organisms on earth including humans.

Global warming has cleared tropical forests about 300 million years ago. This event takes place in the Carbon, ...

The dinosaurs themselves are strange creatures but the following 10 dinosaurs can be considered the most 'unimaginable' species but still exist.

A park in Hubei Province, China exhibits salamanders named

Helicoprion sharks, mound lizards, dinosaurs, dinosaurs ... are giants of prehistoric creatures.

The year is coming, now is an opportunity for us to look back over the past year with 50 photos representing 50 science and technology events.

Cal Orcko in Bolivia is home to the most diverse and diverse fossil footprints, dating from the Cretaceous period. This place attracts many visitors to visit.

Scientists have reconstructed the image of the most intelligent dinosaurs, reptiles that eat dinosaur meat, ... and other extinct species based on fossil relics.