Flying saucers appear in the sky of Germany?

Picture 1 of Flying saucers appear in the sky of Germany? Last week, many people saw in the sky over Germany the giant fireballs moving fast like lightning causing rumors of strange flying objects. Scientists claim that this is a meteor shower.

According to NASA sources, these fireballs are also seen in other parts of the world such as the United States, Canada, Northern Ireland and Japan that may be the phenomenon of Earth following orbit through a crowd. Dense clouds waste space.

Mr. Werner Walter, an amateur astronomer at Mannheim who runs the website on unexplained astronomical phenomena and manages a telephone line reporting on observations of strange flying objects said: ' In the past week We received at least 15 calls and emails from those who saw these fireballs . '

In addition to meteor shower, Walter also mentioned the possibility that these illuminated objects could be caused by a satellite entering the atmosphere and then disintegrating. According to him, this may also be strange flying objects, ie unexplained phenomena.

According to NASA, David Asher, a meteorite expert at Armagh Observatory (Northern Ireland) affirmed that this is a meteor shower (Taurides). The Bullock Meteor is a meteorite that travels through the sky from the constellation Niu, which occurs most often in late October and early November.