For the first time in history, IBM successfully created artificial neurons

This is a breakthrough of mankind, but is it accompanied by a disaster of destruction when an artificial intelligence has a human brain?

For the first time in human history, the IBM Research Institute in Zurich has successfully built an artificial , small nano-scale neuron that can switch random states. For the first time, not only was a successful neuron built, IBM had 500 such neurons in their hands and soon, they would use them to create an artificial brain that replicated the human brain.

Picture 1 of For the first time in history, IBM successfully created artificial neurons
Artificial Neuron of IBM.

This breakthrough is extremely important because a neuron can convert this state based on carefully studied materials, which can reduce them to nanoscale, furthermore they can transmit electrical impulses at velocities. high but requires very little energy. They also have random abilities (they always produce different and random results, like biological neurons), and this is extremely important.

As mentioned, this artificial neuron is similar to biological neuron: they have input (dendrite), neuron membrane (lipid membrane), body neuron (soma), nucleus (nucleus) and output (axon - axon).

Picture 2 of For the first time in history, IBM successfully created artificial neurons
This artificial neuron is similar to biological neuron.

The main difference lies in the membrane of neuron . In a real neuron, it will be a lipid membrane, which acts as both a resistor and a conductor; they prevent electrical impulses until enough electricity is transmitted, and then the current will follow the output as axons to other neurons, and so on.

With IBM's artificial neuron, the membrane is replaced by a compound of germanium-antimony-telua (abbreviated as GST) , which itself is a transitional material . So it can exist in both states (crystalline and non-crystalline / amorphous) and easily switch between those two states. The crystallization state will cause artificial neuron membranes to conduct electricity and the amorphous state will make the membrane insulating.

With IBM's artificial neuron, GST will begin its "life" cycle with an amorphous state. There will be electric current going through the branch fibers, GST will gradually crystallize, to a certain extent it will have electrical conductivity. And just like that, electricity flows through the membranes. After a break, GST will "reset" , returning to the original insulating amorphous state and the process will revolve again.

Stochastic Neuron and IBM say that their artificial neurons also have random behavioral responses such as a true neuron: GST "reset" , amorphous state of the membrane The artificial neuron will differ slightly and therefore, the crystalline membrane will also follow.

Picture 3 of For the first time in history, IBM successfully created artificial neurons
A prototype of the chip will be used to attach to the circuit board, each small square is an artificial neuron.

They have created artificial neurons, now what?

There are two key points worth mentioning.

First , artificial neurons are made up of carefully studied and understood materials, which have a long life span (trillions of transitions between two states), which can be compacted into nano levels.

Second , this is the neuron that transforms the state that humans create to be the most similar to the activity of a biological neuron, which can lead to a huge computer system that can analyze information and give make decisions, just like how people think.

And most likely, third , people are much closer to creating the Skynet system, an artificial intelligence that was once considered to be the perfect shield of humans, until people themselves did not. Good is the hole of that system.

Picture 4 of For the first time in history, IBM successfully created artificial neurons
Judgment Day is not a fictional product but really in the future.

So far, IBM has created a network of 500 artificial neurons. There is no reason for IBM to stop at this point, just by creating such artificial neurons. They are putting thousands of these artificial neurons into a single chip. The problem now is to write a program, a software that can use that artificial neuron chip.

It is possible that, in a few or a few dozen years, Judgment Day is not a fictional product, but really, it is a precursor to the destruction of mankind.

But first, still congratulate IBM's achievements in creating artificial neurons that work like biological neurons!