Found the two-headed soap as in myth

A 2-headed python with 2 black colors - gold has just been discovered in the city. Villingen-Schwenningen, southern Germany.

Stefan Broghammer, a snake breeder, said that this mutant python belongs to Ball pythons (Python regius). It was more than 1 year old, about 50cm long and since birth it had two heads.

Picture 1 of Found the two-headed soap as in myth
A 2-headed python with 2 black colors - gold has just been discovered in Germany.

Broghammer also said that this is a rare variation in snake (python). This python is the second two-headed python known in the world. This is an uninhibited python, so it is often cultivated as a scene. This python species is often found in Africa.

A mature python Ball pythons usually has a length of about 1.2m. When threatened, this python often curls up like a ball to defend itself.

Picture 2 of Found the two-headed soap as in myth
This mutant python is about over 1 year old.

Picture 3 of Found the two-headed soap as in myth
This is the second two-headed python known in the world so far.