Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

People are always proud of being the most perfect creature in the natural world, but not in all cases.

Humans are creatures that have been and will rule the Earth. Thanks to superior intelligence, people invented many modern machines, advanced technology to conquer nature, master their own lives and overpower other animals.

However, not in all cases. Here are the moments when you are sure to finish watching, you will be startled to wonder 'It turns out that humans are weak too!' .

The first moment is when you know .

Picture 1 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

. but you know .

Picture 2 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

That is the moment you realize .

Picture 3 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

Picture 4 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

Not all.

Picture 5 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

Picture 6 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

Yes, and again the cockroach .

Picture 7 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

Picture 8 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

And the last moment is when you see .

Picture 9 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

. and suddenly realized .

Picture 10 of Fun fact makes you realize the real person 'weak'

So who is the champion in biology?