Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

Invite you to continue to see the pictures that capture a funny moment in the animal world.

>> Funny moments of animals (part 1)

Picture 1 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

'Come here with me.' The photographer had been lying around playing with the seal for about an hour until he heard the crunching of his back.

Picture 2 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

Rock jumping penguins? You can say that. On the way to the sea to eat, meet a wave, these two birds jumped hopelessly and plunged into the wave.

Picture 3 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

Looks like this guy is rocking his hair and saying, 'Hey, shoot me a style'. In fact, he narrowed his eyes because there was a woodpecker parked there.

Picture 4 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

Whose nose is bigger?

Picture 5 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

Hey, don't cheat, are you running?

Picture 6 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

Little lion: 'Mom and my mother?'
Mom: 'Tired, what is it?'

Picture 7 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

Where dirty, bathe, not dirty.

Picture 8 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

'Scratch my chin for me'. In fact, this is how they flirt with each other before "getting involved."

Picture 9 of Funny moments of animals (cont'd)

'Hold on tight, Mom, speed up'.