Generate technology for mass production of graphene materials

A team of researchers led by Ulsan Baik Jong-beom, professor of science and technology, has developed the technology for mass production of graphene, an effective material in the electronics industry.

>>> New method of graphene oxidation

Picture 1 of Generate technology for mass production of graphene materials

Graphene is a new material made up of a layer of carbon atoms bonded together in the form of a honeycomb.

It is usually taken from a lead surface with a conductivity of 100 times that of copper, which is 200 times stronger than steel and is very flexible. Thus, graphene is noted as a material that can be used to create wrist-watches or thin-film displays such as paper.

Researchers find it difficult to commercialize graphene because the material is scarce by the use of strong acids. However, Baik's team first discovered that thin layer graphene was easily classified as high-speed milling with lead and solid CO 2 .

The team expects to reduce environmental pollution and mass production of graphene because water can be used as a solvent instead of toxic substances such as surfuric acid and nitric acid. The results are published in the National Academy of Sciences.