Genes play an important role in making a difference in male and female behavior

Yale University scientists have demonstrated that, not only are sex hormones characterized by the ability to make a difference in behavior between males and females, but genes also play an extreme role. Important period in the process of forming this feature.

By manipulating gene implants performed in the laboratory, American scientists created two groups of mice. The first group consisted of mice carrying male gonads but had female chromosomes (XX) and mice with female gonads and male chromosomes (XY). The second group includes normal male and female mice.

In the first experiment, which lasted for 9 days, mice in both study groups exhibited their own characteristics, expressed through food access. In the first few days, all mice ran straight to the food storage area. However, mice have XX chromosomes (normal females) and mice with XX chromosomes and glands Picture 1 of Genes play an important role in making a difference in male and female behavior Male sex has " learned " this skill faster than the other group. This is called behavioral targeting (by way of finding food), so that it quickly becomes a habit, is also the first sign that the gene helps explain the difference in habits related to sex.

By the end of this experimental period, half of the mice in each group received three doses of lithium chloride / day immediately after each meal. Drugs make mice feel tired, making them wary of the foods that cause these feelings. Two days after the last injection, two mouse variants with chromosome XX, one of which has a male gonads and one with the female gonads, will tip the nose to a position where they previously found consciousness eat (but this time there is nothing). Experimental results show that mice with XY chromosomes react more slowly than mice with chromosome XX. This means that chromosome X mice develop this habit more often and such habits are not affected by hormonal factors.

The research by US scientists can help open up treatments for gene-related diseases, and are an important tool to explain the causes of addiction.