Giant elephants release technology like smoke ... smoking in the forest in India

A rare scene was recorded that made even biologists surprised. So what is the truth about this image?

Picture 1 of Giant elephants release technology like smoke ... smoking in the forest in India

An unbelievable sight was witnessed and recorded by an assistant director of the Indian WCS Wildlife Conservation Association, the scene where a female elephant is acting as "smoking" and releasing. smoke out.
The incident happened in Nagaharole National Park, India, which surprised many researchers and what the elephant is actually doing, the answer will be in the video below.

Watch video:

Indian doctor Varun Goswami of WCS is an elephant researcher who believes that an elephant is trying to eat coal. He said: ' This child is using something to pick up something from the ground and blow out smoke to eat the rest.'

Coal powder can benefit animals after a fire or fire due to lightning. Through providing value as drugs can act as laxatives.