Glass for early detection of cervical cancer

New magnifiers have been discovered by early scientists to detect cervical cancer early.

According to Health Sina, vaginal glass is a gynecological endoscope that can enlarge images 10 to 60 times. As a result, doctors can detect very small lesions that can not be seen with the naked eye, especially those with precancerous cervical lesions. This invention contributes significantly to the early diagnosis of cancer and a number of other diseases.

Picture 1 of Glass for early detection of cervical cancer
Vaginal glaucoma is a gynecological endoscope that can enlarge images 10 to 60 times.

Doctors note, to increase the accuracy, need to pay attention to the time when the endoscopic examination with vaginal glasses. Patients should abstain one day before the procedure. During this time, gynecological exams should not be allowed to be placed in the vagina 48 hours prior to vaginal intercourse and the cervical surface will affect the test result.

Before the check-up, the doctor asks the patient for a history of the disease and menstrual cycle to select the appropriate check-up time. With some serious diseases, you can check the endoscope of the vagina at any time:

  1. When there are signs of cervical cancer, changing the pre-cancerous disease, the doctor needs endoscopic vaginal screening to help detect the disease as soon as possible increase the ability to treat thoroughly.
  2. Cervical intercourse is a problem, it is best to endoscopy during ovulation, at this time the cervix widened as easy to test.
  3. Suspicion of cervical inflammation, can endoscopic examination after 2 weeks.