Hands should be washed after making a decision

If you go to wash your hands after making a decision to choose someone to be a spouse, you will be more satisfied with your choice, some American scientists think.

Picture 1 of Hands should be washed after making a decision

Artwork: thedailygreen.com.

Telegraph said, the University of Michigan psychologists in the US recruit a group of students to study the impact of hand washing behavior on people's feelings after making a decision. The group of students was informed that they would participate in a study of consumer psychology.

Psychologists show students 30 CD case covers and ask them to choose the 10 most favorite discs. Students must show their favorite level of 10 discs by placing them in order of increasing interest. Then half of the students wash their hands. Finally all volunteers assessed their satisfaction with their choice by a scale.

The results show that students who wash their hands have a much higher satisfaction score than those who do not. When the research team asked volunteers to choose a second time, those who did not wash their hands still made the same decision for the first time, while the group that did not wash their hands was confused.

The test was repeated, but this time the students tasted jam and wiped their hands with a sterile towel. The team found that, in two decisions, one-handed mopers claimed that the jam boxes they chose tasted better than the ones they missed. On the other hand, the choice of the group not to wipe their hands has changed during the second selection.

"Our research shows that hand cleansing can help people eliminate concerns after making a decision. After cleaning or washing hands, we tend to be happy with the decision and don't want to think about it. think again, " said Spike Lee, the research leader.

Professor Norbert Schwarz, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, said that hand hygiene helps people clear the traces of decision making in the brain. He believes this effect may be related to many important decisions in people's lives, such as choosing a mate, car or accommodation.