Every time you promote, you're 10% more stressed and 20% less time to see a doctor, researchers have discovered.

The sisters made the family more open and willing to share difficult issues, while the brothers often cried more pain, a survey has just revealed.

US scientists claim a drug commonly used to treat alcohol and drug addiction has the ability to control people's desire to steal.

Try naming familiar items at your home

Psychological experts claim that blue street lights are able to effectively block suicidal thoughts and offenses.

Try to arrange the time to wear a track suit and wear as many shoes as possible between nature.

A recent study said that no one wants to receive bad news, but for some people, getting no news is worse.

Not only that, but her dreams are often stressful and leave a more distinct impression when they wake up.

Psychological trauma or childhood stress can forever alter genes in the brain, Canadian researchers claim.

According to psychologists, if you want to enjoy happiness, you need long-term solutions.