Promotion increases stress and health damage

Picture 1 of Promotion increases stress and health damage Every time you promote, you're 10% more stressed and 20% less time to see a doctor, researchers have discovered.

Increasing pressure may be due to more workloads, more responsibility and less rest time.

Economists and psychologists at the University of Warwick (UK) analyzed 1,000 people who were promoted from between 1991 and 2005.

They know that people in high positions tend to have better health, and hope this research will reflect that.

However, expert Chris Boyce, who joined the research team, said, "Going to higher positions at work is not as great as many people think . "

"Our work shows that the mental health of managers often diminishes after each promotion, and is not just a change in the short term."

"It is unclear why this is possible but maybe promotion is not a good route for everyone, because of the increased pressure and stress level. We realize that some people may not be in charge. get certain positions ".