Every time you promote, you're 10% more stressed and 20% less time to see a doctor, researchers have discovered.

Stress activates immune cells in mouse skin, making them feel itchy. The same mechanism can occur in humans.

Psychological trauma or childhood stress can forever alter genes in the brain, Canadian researchers claim.

A recent study has shown that a person who often has stressful, anxious expressions can also make allergies worse.

A recent British study said that if you take 20 minutes a day to do housework, you will reduce stress and depression.

In contrast to the many dieters' laments, hunger can make you happy. Or at least it can be an evolutionary motivation to help you find meals instead of becoming meals.

Older girls who use too many mobile phones will be stressed, insecure and have trouble sleeping.

The alarm goes off and you lazily climb out of bed. Your eyes are still tight and your teeth are so rigid that you feel pain on both sides of your temples.

The effects of pressure on people with cancer are much more terrible than many people imagine.

According to Eat This, eating bananas with moderate amounts helps to prevent the risk of stomach cancer, reduce stress, tone muscles and help you love life better.