Mobile phones make children more vulnerable to stress

Older girls who use too many mobile phones will be stressed, insecure and have trouble sleeping.

Swedish researchers studied teens between the ages of 14 and 20 and divided them into two groups. The first group called less than 5 calls, sent less than 5 messages a day. The other group calls more than 15 calls and sends more than 15 messages. Participants answered questions about lifestyle and sleep.

The results show that children who use cell phones regularly are in unstable and unstable conditions. They also have a more bohemian lifestyle, drink a lot of alcohol, suffer from insomnia or sleeplessness, and are easily stressed and tired.

Picture 1 of Mobile phones make children more vulnerable to stress

(Photo: fotosearch)

"Hand-held addiction is becoming increasingly popular. Young people create the pressure to stay connected and communicate all day," said study author Gaby Badre at Sahigren Academy.

Children also started using the phone very early. According to experts, it is necessary to increase the awareness of young people about the negative consequences of cell phones, such as ruining sleep, causing memory impairment and loss of concentration.