Happy little dog in the world

The dog can fit on the screen of an iPhone phone.

Picture 1 of Happy little dog in the world
Beyoncé lies on the screen of an iPhone.

The name of this world's smallest puppy, Beyoncé, has a body weight of only 4 ounces (113.3 grams). Beyoncé was born on the International Women's Day March 8, 2012 and is a bitch. When born, small singular Beyoncé, without heartbeat and without breathing. And yet, since Beyoncé has a muzzle so small, Beth DeCaprion, the founder of the Grace Foundation, had to recover its muzzle and feed it with baby bottles. It is expected that the weight of Beyoncé grows only about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) when growing up.

Currently the world's smallest dog is being considered in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's smallest puppy title.