How are fingerprints formed?

The ability to search for criminals through hand marks is developed from the womb.

According to LiveScience, on the 17th week of pregnancy, fetal fingerprints are fully developed. A special feature of fingerprints was discovered two millennia ago, but it has only been put into research for two centuries, although scientists have yet to explain how specifically formed fingerprints are.

Fingerprints appear in the 10th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is about 80mm long. Fingerprints have 3 types: tent (arch), curve (loop) and swirl, or hand-whorl.

Picture 1 of How are fingerprints formed?
3 types of common fingerprints.

Researchers Michael K? Cken and Alan Newell of the University of Arizona have found that the formation of fingerprint shapes is related to the force acting on the base of the skin epidermis (basal layer). . This substrate grows faster than the outer layers of the epidermis and the lower epidermis, it will fold in different directions from there to form complex shapes.

Picture 2 of How are fingerprints formed?
The formation of fingerprint shapes is related to the force applied to the substrate of the skin epidermis (basal layer).

They think that the force is generated from the outside of the skin, including fingernails, wrinkles in the knuckles as well as around the fingertips. After a few weeks, the folds will gradually form a fingerprint shape that we can see clearly on the skin. The fingerprint shape will not change even if the skin is severely scratched because it is located below the surface of the skin. However, Michael and Alan have not yet determined how that shape always stays the same throughout the development of the fetus.

For scientists, human fingerprints are always a confusing trait. The palm part has a number of differences compared to the rest of the body. This part has the thickest skin, many sweat glands and no hair. The process of creasing also occurs when the brain forms wrinkles, related to the structure of the eye and possibly even hair follicles.

A natural phenomenon with a similar image of the fingerprint named von Karman vortex , occurs when the flow of liquid or gas moves in the opposite direction. This process can create a cloudy arch. Insects rely on the energy generated from the von Karman vortex created from their wings to speed up movement.

Picture 3 of How are fingerprints formed?
For scientists, human fingerprints are always a confusing trait.

The mechanism of forming fingerprint shapes is not the same, but they are described almost equally, making it difficult to identify mechanisms, especially complex shapes.

Although Michael K's research cken and Alan Newell have not clearly stated how to identify fingerprints, they have also provided more information for future research.