New technique for super sensitive fingerprints

Instead of the old methods, using gelatin tape to get fingerprints will capture both the fingerprints, even 1 millionth of a gram. Analyzing them, people identify the identity, age, gender . of that fingerprint owner.

So far, police have used vehicles such as powder, liquid and steam to get fingerprints in the field. This traditional technique can cause fingerprints to change and lose valuable forensic evidence, including traces of chemicals in fingerprints.

A new study by physicist Professor Sergei Kazarian of the Royal College of London and colleagues will overcome the aforementioned drawbacks.

Molecular identification for 30 seconds

During the study of the new fingerprinting technique, the team found that the gelatin tape (gelatin tape) was able to help criminal scientists chemically analyze the fingerprints collected at the scene, from there get specific information about diet, gender, race . of the person leaving fingerprints.

As with other means used in conventional fingerprinting, gelatin tape can collect fingerprints left on many different surfaces, including door handles, handles of containers, Wavy glass, computer screen .

But compared to conventional method of fingerprinting techniques, this new technique has an outstanding advantage of not distorting or destroying the original fingerprint, but can keep all the details intact. They can analyze fully, accurately and extensively.

Picture 1 of New technique for super sensitive fingerprints

Using gelatin tape to collect and ' photographic chemistry ' fingerprints will provide more information, faster and more accurate. (Photo: LiveScience)

Under this new method, fingerprints taken with galetin tape will be illuminated with infrared in an extremely sensitive device and capable of 'chemical imaging', helping experts to identify the molecules present in the Fingerprints in less than 30 seconds!

While not involved in the study, chemist Facundo Fernandez, of the Georgia Institute of Technology, commented that the new technique recognizes fingerprints much faster than conventional methods. He said: 'No one can say that other methods are as fast as this method.'

Provide extensive information

According to the research team, fingerprints may contain only a few parts per million grams of body fluids, but that is enough to provide valuable clues about an individual, such as gender, race, diet and lifestyle.

For example, with this new technique, experts can identify a man who is more likely to be detected in fingerprints than men who normally have urea; or a complex mixture of chemicals in fingerprints will be the clue to knowing the person's race and age.

In addition, new techniques help identify traces of items or substances that people leave exposed or used fingerprints, such as gunpowder, smoke, drugs, explosives, chemical weapons or births. learn.

According to Kazarian, even a person's diet can be determined from fingerprints, because vegetarians may have different amino acid concentrations than others.

Speaking to Live Science magazine, Professor Kazarian said: 'More volunteers are needed to participate in experiments to collect statistical data on fingerprints related to race, gender, age. . but we believe this new technique will be an extremely effective tool in the future. "

Other techniques can also analyze chemicals in fingerprints, including the use of X-rays. But Mr. Kazarian said the new technique is particularly effective in identifying organic organic compounds - those Key components of fingerprints.

The study by Professor Kazarian and his colleagues will be published in the August 1, 2007 edition of Analytical Chemistry.

Quang Thinh