How do satellites melt in the Earth's atmosphere?

The European Space Agency (ESA) has published on its website a video of the experiment in which part of the space satellite is melted in the plasma wind pipe.

In the role of experimental elements selected magnetic orientation bar, one of the densest parts of the satellite. The purpose of the experiment is to find out how satellites burn in the atmosphere to minimize the risk of its fragments falling on Earth.

Picture 1 of How do satellites melt in the Earth's atmosphere?
Theoretically, the devices that go into the atmosphere need to burn completely.

"In theory, the machines that go into the atmosphere need to be completely burned. In fact, some parts still approach Earth anyway, some of them large enough to cause serious damage. ", ESA commented.

This agency, for example, took the case in 1997, when a 250kg fuel tank of a missile fell only 50 meters away to a farm house in Texas.

It should be noted that, in addition to magnetic bars penetrating the atmosphere, other satellite elements such as optical instruments, containers, in-house drive devices and gyroscopes, can also invade Earth through the atmosphere.