How is the modern weather map created?
In the weather forecast programs, we are so familiar with meteorological symbols and temperature measurements, but it takes a long time for them to be born and systems like today.
The modern weather map in a newspaper first appeared in the Times on April 1, 1875, which was a philosopher Francis Galton's work , an adventurer and anthropologist, also a home statistics and meteorology.
The modern weather map first appeared on 1/4/1875.(Illustration).
The weather map is not currently for forecasting, but it describes the weather conditions of the previous day. This is called a composite chart , which summarizes the weather situation so readers can make their own predictions about the weather of the next day.
Galton's chart is not much different from today's modern weather maps. It also records temperature measurements in each area with broken lines that distinguish each region from each other, weather terms like "haze" or "heavy clouds" are also recorded in each area.
By the end of the nineteenth century, the system summarized the weather conditions around the globe, creating a standard rule for weather forecasting, although each place had different ways of doing things and was quite vague.
Galton used this method to document the events that took place, not anticipating the events that would occur, which made him avoid the mockery and made his charting system widely spread. nowadays.
Philosopher Francis Galton is the creator of the modern weather map used in weather forecasting programs.(Photo: Corbis / Getty).
This weather map is quickly received and all over the world in all types of media, people use this weather map to make the weather program more lively.
During this time, Galton also developed a theory of anti-cyclone . However, there is the fact that Galton is less known for its meteorological contributions than in eugenics, the social-biological movement advocating the use of methods to improve the genetic makeup of population.
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