How to identify heavily polluted air

Polluted air, which contains a lot of toxins, substances that when applied to the body will cause dangerous diseases from the skin to incurable diseases especially for young children , the body is not fully developed. It is very easy to suffer from: bronchitis, asthma, chronic obstruction, tumors, cardiovascular problems, cancer, encephalitis, infertility . so to prevent these diseases we need to pay attention to prevention and control from outside, avoiding impacts due to weather.

So how do you know when pollution hits "hazardous" levels?

Recognizing pollution with the naked eye

ScienceDaily magazine defines: ' Fog is a kind of air pollution, it is basically a mixture of dust and mist in the air' .

Picture 1 of How to identify heavily polluted air
When exposed to high-ozone fog, you will easily encounter conditions such as difficulty breathing.

Fog is the result of large amounts of coal gas in an area and is caused by a mixture of dust, ozone, SO 2 , NO 2 and CO on the ground. It is especially harmful to young children, people with heart and lung diseases such as emphysema, bronchitis or asthma.

When exposed to a high ozone fog, you will easily experience problems such as difficulty breathing, pain when taking deep breaths, wheezing, coughing, headache and feeling tired. This is because pollutants have accumulated in the body, reducing the resistance, causing damage and changes in the brain.

It can cause eye and nose irritation, dry the protective film of the nose and throat and hinder the body's ability to fight infections, making it easier for disease to attack our health. . For people with sensitive skin, they will have allergies, itchy rashes on the skin, unusual acne. And especially, when exposed to polluted air, you will easily get respiratory diseases.

Therefore, it can be said that the thicker the outdoor fog layer, the higher the air pollution level and the health hazard. This is the correct way to identify air pollution with the naked eye.

Pollution detection using air quality measurement application

However, to be more sure, you can check the air pollution through the air quality index (AQI) on familiar air quality measurement applications such as AirVisual, PAM Air .

How to protect yourself from pollution fog?

1. Determine your regional air quality

Before going out or participating in outdoor activities, you should look outside to see how much fog is in your area and then continue to check the air quality index in your area through the Application as stated above. This way, you can decide when you should or shouldn't go outside to protect your health. The media can also be a source of information for you to check.

2. Always have medical methods available

If you have heart or respiratory problems, it's best not to go outdoors when the fog is heavily polluted, the air quality index is at an alarming rate. However, in cases where it is imperative to go out, you should be fully prepared with medications or medical methods to prevent the worst case from happening. And better yet, you should also consult the specialist.

Picture 2 of How to identify heavily polluted air
You should restrict to polluted areas.

3. Avoid heavily polluted areas

When you are physically active, you will breathe deeply and quickly, which will cause you to 'collect' pollution into your body. Therefore, you should limit to polluted areas, especially try to do gentle physical activity when in heavily polluted areas such as big roads, dense traffic, industrial areas.

Pay special attention to the symptoms you may feel outdoors. If you find it hard to breathe, stay indoors.

4. Children, the elderly and the sick are obliged to stay indoors when the fog is dense and heavily polluted. Ordinary people are strongly recommended to be restricted outside.