How to see the blue moon, the blood moon online tonight 31/1/2018

Astronomers are very interested in special events that must be repeated more than 150 years - when the blue moon, super moon and total eclipse will occur simultaneously on January 31, 2018. The time of this extremely interesting event is 13:30 am international time, ie about 20:30 on January 31, Vietnam time.

Picture 1 of How to see the blue moon, the blood moon online tonight 31/1/2018
Vietnam in the region can observe the most complete moon, blue moon.

NASA calls this phenomenon "Super Blood Blue Moon" - this is the compound word of the three special phenomena above. Some parts of the world cannot observe this phenomenon including South America, East North America, Africa and much of Europe because this time is daytime. Unnamed areas can observe this amazing natural phenomenon and the degree depending on the time zone of each area.

So is on 20:30 on this 31st January, in Vietnam, we can completely observe 3 phenomena of super moon, blue moon and total eclipse that will take place at the same time. However, if there are no conditions to watch live, you can access the following 2 websites to view online: