Human experience when it comes to death

The secret around human feelings when dying, coming close to death will be revealed .

It is often said that those who come close to death will see many things. If you are a good person, when dying you will meet the white-shirted angel or stand in front of the tunnel of light that leads to heaven. If you are a bad person, when you are about to die, you will see death and demons hovering around, just waiting to drag you to hell. Find out the truth about 'near death experience' through the research below.

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are scientific nouns that refer to personal feelings, something a dying person sees, hears, and thinks is a reality.

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Although most of us know little about these experiences, they simply appear when people are dying, but there are rare cases that survive this experience. Their accounts are considered bases for scientific research around this issue.

Testimony of witnesses

First, we can mention the case of Dr. Georgre G. Ritchie. At the age of 20, he had a very high fever but fortunately survived. He was close to death and when he woke up, he talked about his extremely strange experiences.

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Georgre Ritchie - the young officer who had experienced death close to 20 years old.

Georgre said that he met the next Lord Jesus to comfort him, allowing him to admire memorable moments in his life. According to Georgre, he felt he was no longer in Earth but in a city full of light.

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Mark Kirk (right) recovers his health after facing an angel in a stroke.

Or as the story of Illinois state senator Mark Kirk. In 2012, Mark suddenly fell into a stroke. On the hospital bed, he asserts that he had a near-death experience - that is, meeting an angel.

Mark said, he saw firsthand a dazzling and light tunnel. At that time, an angel came over and asked him: 'Do you want to come to our world?' . Mark answered 'No' and after that experience, he recovered his normal health.

The first explanation for near death experience

The witnesses above have helped scientists gradually approach 'tacial experience '. Since then, experts have generalized this elusive mystery with three main characteristics.

Firstly , the 'near death experience' is associated with images of white, blinding light. Secondly , people who experience this feeling find themselves as a soul leaving the body. Secondly , 'near death experience ' is highly personal.

Individuality is reflected in the fact that no 'near death experience ' is exactly the same. Usually, depending on religious beliefs, knowledge and attitudes, each person will encounter different images in the end of life experience. Some common motifs are encountering souls, angels or demons, entering the tunnel, feeling the moments of life .

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However, not everyone can experience the feeling of being close to death. In the US, a public opinion poll in 1982 indicated that only 15% of the population had experienced this.

In particular, according to researcher Kenneth Ring, 'near death experience' has a positive impact on those who survive it and survive. Those people will become more confident, extrovert and have a more positive attitude towards life as well as strengthening their beliefs in religion and spirituality.

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Currently, there are two ways in the world to explain the mechanism of 'near death experience ': according to religion and science. Religious theories say that people have souls. When people are about to die, the soul separates from the body, going to the afterlife - another dimension through light tunnels. Before that, the soul had a special ability to experience again everything that had happened while alive.

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Scientific theory does not think so. From the researchers ' perspective, 'near death experience' is a complex natural physiological phenomenon, not completely spiritual.

The most obvious evidence is that in health care, patients taking ketamine or PCP medications may experience the same condition. Many patients still think that they died when they were treated with these chemicals.

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The mechanism that causes 'near death experience' lies in brain activity. People actually look and feel all through the brain, the senses only receive signals from the outside only. Therefore, when dying, the parts and senses of the body become weak, making it easy for people to fall into a semi-conscious and semi-conscious state.

That state, along with the lack of oxygen in the brain, is the reason why humans experience imaginary, ambiguous imagery. In addition, for those with trauma, the more hormone endorphin released, the more the direct cause of the hallucinations we see.

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Endorphin is considered to be the body's analgesic hormone, like an opiate produced by us. They cause neurological inhibition, creating many surreal images in the brain. Therefore, it is understandable that people who are dying often see strange images in the subconscious as well as meet angels and gods.

Interim: Near-death experience 'is a fascinating and attractive topic for many researchers. Currently, science only approaches and explains a good part of those feelings. Hopefully, in the future, we will soon answer the question about what is called heaven, hell, angel or devil .