Human life meter

UK scientists have just announced the clock can calculate life expectancy, assess human health status by laser scanning technology.

The watch is made by physics professor Aneta Stefanovska and Peter McClintock from Lancaster University, England.

When in hand, the clock emits laser beams deep into human skin to analyze the condition of small capillary cells and determine the body's aging status.

Picture 1 of Human life meter
It's a bit bulky, but this watch can tell the life of a person.(Photo: Lancaster University)

The data collected from laser beams will evaluate the function of cells on a scale of 0 to 100. Since then, researchers rely on those numbers to predict a person's lifetime. .

Professor Aneta Stefanovska said the use of the device could help doctors soon recognize signs of some dangerous diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer or dementia.

Scientists hope that in the future, they will build a richer database to be able to accurately predict the remaining years of a human being.

In the future, the device will be scaled down with a wristwatch for more neatness. The device is expected to be available in the market for the next three years at a price of between $ 310 and $ 464.