Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition

A Vietnamese farmer took that bamboo truck, blacksmith in Jiangsu, the man who rowed through the giant cypress . was impressive work in the TPOTY photography competition.

Picture 1 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
The TPOTY 2015 "Travel Photographer of the Year" is attended by many candidates from 22 countries, with judges being prestigious names in the industry.In it, a photo of a farmer is taking that truck in the village of Tat Vien, Hung Yen province, Vietnam, by the author Ly Hoang Long has received many compliments in the category Face, people, meeting.

Picture 2 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
The winner is the Face, Human category, meeting the photographer Mitchell Kanashkevich (Australia).Kanashkevich recorded the moment a man rested in a plowed field in Maramures, Romania.

Picture 3 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
British photographer, James Morgan, won the Nature and Environment category with a hunter lifting the wolf's head and shooting down in Yakutia, Russia.

Picture 4 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
Jasper Doest from the Netherlands won the Water category.His photo was caught at the right time with the water on the garbage to dilute the amount of acid produced during the decomposition in Marchena, Andalusia, Spain.

Picture 5 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
The award for young tourism photographer of 2015 belonged to Chase Guttman (USA).The 18-year-old was impressed with the photograph of the Basuto clan and the shepherds near Semonkong and Lesotho.

Picture 6 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
Timothy Allen (England) won the Monochrome category with his work showing an obsessive slice of life at the landfill in Mombasa, Kenya.

Picture 7 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
The best photo taken with the phone belongs to the author Edgard de Bono (Italy), showing many nuances of the people of Benin city, Nigeria.

Picture 8 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
The winner of the Street Culture section is photographer Zhu Jingyi (China) with a picture of a forged poem in Jiangsu, China.

Picture 9 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
In the category of 14 and under, Michael Theodric (Indonesia, 13 years old) persuaded judges with moments at Boen San Bio Temple, Tangerang, Indonesia.

Picture 10 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
Prize Light moment belongs to Uli Kunz (Germany), capturing the shadow of a jumping man on a cellar wall in Heligoland, Beihai.

Picture 11 of Hung Yen's old farmer image caught the attention at TPOTY photography competition
The winner of the final award of 2015 is photographer Marsel van Oosten (Netherlands).In this emotional image, a person is kayaking among giant cypress trees, on a misty morning in Atchafalaya, Louisiana, USA.