Hydroponic Gardening, Solutions for Arctic Food Shortages

According to Engadget, this is the result of research by two companies in Alaska to eliminate the shortage of fresh vegetables in remote areas.

You will not have much food choices in the remote areas of the Arctic. Consumer goods will take a long time to be transported and often will not be in the best condition when it arrives. Note that we are assuming these shipments docked in the first place of the Arctic. Therefore, the food shortage is the general condition of this area.

Picture 1 of Hydroponic Gardening, Solutions for Arctic Food Shortages
Hydroponic garden in container shipping containers.

However, two local Alaska companies, Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corp. and Vertical Harvest Hydroponics, can create lush gardens, even geographically remote areas, by developing hydroponic gardens. Container shipping containers. With LEDs, some vegetables like kale and lettuce grow normally. No need for soil or warm climates, you can still produce fresh vegetables wherever you have a stable source of energy.

The first and most important obstacle is cost . It costs $ 200,000 to deploy a container like this. This will be a problem in small towns and villages with limited budgets.

Electricity is another problem. Towns in the Arctic often depend on generators instead of large power plants. Continuous hydroponic plant operations can overwhelm the regional power grid and will require renewable energy sources to meet the needs of these gardens.

However, the initial results are very promising. Currently people have purchased food from the sample gardens through the Arctic Greens brand. If convenient, the model will be extended to other areas.