Hypothesis of the past, present, future coexists in the universe

Bradford's hypothesis suggests that time is one-way that can move forward and backward. This hypothesis leads to our universe having four spacetime.

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Do you remember the 4-dimensional space-time in the Interstellar movie, when Cooper used it to send signals to his daughter in a completely different dimension and time? This is not an idea created by directors or screenwriters, but a hypothesis that has been carefully researched and studied by scientists.

In Dr. Bradford Skow's book 'Objective Becoming' at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he thinks that time is not just a forward-looking arrow, but in the time-spanning universe in similar directions. time.

Picture 1 of Hypothesis of the past, present, future coexists in the universe
Time still hides mysteries that scientists cannot explain.

If you imagine simply, our universe is currently at the position of 0, if we look forward, we will see a similar universe but at 0 + 1 and if we look In the background, there will be a universe at the time of 0 - 1. So together with 3 dimensions, we will have a 4-dimensional system.

Dr. Bradford supports a theory called "The Cosmic Block" , which holds that the past, present and future are coexist. It also means that the time hypothesis is that a forward-facing arrow is not entirely true. Now time is a series of temporary events, for which we are one.

Picture 2 of Hypothesis of the past, present, future coexists in the universe
Dr. Bradford Skow is the author of Objective Becoming, the creator of the concept of the Cosmic Block.

It also means that the events we have experienced in the past have not disappeared, but it continues to take place in the way of transitions between temporary events. Meanwhile, we are just a certain past of a temporary event in the future.

Although acknowledging the existence of the past and future at the same time, Dr. Bradford admitted that it was impossible to move between these temporary events . That means we cannot travel time to the past or future.

His theory is also recognized by many other scientists such as Dr. Tim Koslowski of New Brunswick University and Dr. Flavio Mercati of Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, in Canada. Their research aims to find the shortcomings of the 'time arrow' hypothesis , in which time only passes once forward.

And in fact, Bradford's hypothesis contributes to explaining many of the scientific problems of time reference systems. If our universe is a 4-dimensional system, it could explain the formation of the universe and there is a greater fear of the Big Bang being true.

Picture 3 of Hypothesis of the past, present, future coexists in the universe
The Big Bang explosion that created the universe today can only happen if our universe is a 4-dimensional space-time.

In summary, the previous theory is that their universe is only three-dimensional, while time is always straight forward and not considered one-way. Past events are gone while future events are yet to happen.

Whereas Bradford's hypothesis suggests that time is one-sided and can be reversed. In the afternoon it was temporary events that we were at one of those events. In the foreground is the future and the back is the past, all are happening and exist together. The problem is that we cannot travel to other temporary events. This hypothesis leads to our universe having four spacetime dimensions, which in turn has the basis for the Big Bang to be true.

However, since other temporary event areas cannot be reached, we cannot get proof to prove this hypothesis is true. So far, all theories of time and the formation of the universe have been hypotheses but there is no concrete evidence. Perhaps these mysteries are still beyond the knowledge of the present person.